Disem Institute

Unleashing The Full Potential of Cyber Risk Governance 

Cyber Risk Governance & Cyber Risk Management: Conferences, publications and presentations


  • Segar, P., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M., (2024). Decision-making in Ransomware Capability Development: Persona-Driven Simulation, 2024 International System Dynamics Conference, Bergen & Online, August 4 – 8, 2024.
  • Zeijlemaker, S., Pal, R., & Siegel, M. (2024). Strengthening Managerial Foresight to Defeat Cyber Threats, AMCIS 2024, August 15-17, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Haq, M.Y.M., Abhista, A., Zeijlemaker, S., Chau, A., Siegel, M., & Nieuwenhuis, L.J.M. (2024). Measuring Malware Detection Capability for Security Decision Making, 9th International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC 2024), Vienna, July 8th, 2024.
  • Delvecchio, T.; Zeijlemaker, S.; De Bernardis, G. and Siegel, M. (2024). Revolutionizing Board Cyber-Risk Management Using Collaborative Gaming.  In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ISBN 978-989-758-683-5, ISSN 2184-4356, pages 112-119.    
  • Delvecchio, T., Zeijlemaker, S., De Bernardis, G., and Siegel, M. (2024). Human-Centered Interface Design for a Dynamic Cyber-Risk Group-Based Training Game. MIT Sloan Research Paper Forthcoming, Available at SSRN.


  • Zeijlemaker, S., Pal, R., Siegel, M., Ishikawa, M., & Kim. G., (2023). Establishing critical strategic control gaps in cyber risk management through simulation gaming, MISQE Information Security Workshop, 2023 International Conference on Information Systems, 10 dec 2023 – 13 dec 2023, Hyderabad, India.
  • Positioning paper (2023, November 17). Facilitating Global Interoperability of Cyber Regulations in the Electricity Sector, World Economic Forum.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023, November, 9). Combatting Ransomware with an Interactive Gaming Environment, MIT CAMS Discuss Research with our Researchers Event, 2023, Boston.
  • White Paper (2023, October, 23). Response to the White House's Request on Harmonizing Cybersecurity Regulations, World Economic Forum.
  • Pal, R., Sequeira, R., Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023). A Network Theory to Quantify and Bound Cyber-Risk in IT/OT Systems. Accepted to Appear in Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference [an INFORMS event],  2023 (IEEE Press), Texas, USA.
  • Pal, R., Sequeira, R.H., Yin, X., Zeijlemaker, S., & Kotala, V. (2023). How Should Enterprises Quantify and Analyze (Multi-Party) APT Cyber-Risk Exposure in their Industrial IoT Network? ACM Trans. Manage. Inf. Syst. Just Accepted (October 2023). https://doi.org/10.1145/3605949
  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M., (2023, October, 11). Creating a Better Cyber Risk Future by Managing Gaps in Strategic Control, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Event, 2023, Boston.
  • Sagar, P., Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M., (2023, October, 11). Decision Making in Ransomware Capability Development: Persona-Driven Simulation Approach, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Event, 2023, Boston.
  • Kim, G., Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M., (2023, October, 11). Combatting The Risk Reward Paradox to Manage Cyber Risk, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Event, 2023, Boston.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023). Six governance principles for cyber resilience: What the Board Needs to Know about Cyber Risk, One Conference 2023, 2023, October 3 - 4, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • Zeijlemaker, S., Zeijlemaker, I., & Zeijlemaker, D. (2023).Navigating through the global cybersecurity landscape:
    Exploring our ability to mitigate future cyber threats, 41th International System Dynamics Conference in Chicago and virtually, July 13-27, 2023.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2023). Security Operation Centre assessment: How to stay ahead of the curve – An exploratory anonymized case study, 41th International System Dynamics Conference in Chicago and virtually, July 13-27, 2023.
  • Zeijlemaker, S., Hetner, C., & Siegel, M., (2023, June, 2). 4 Areas of Cyber Risk That Boards Need to Address, Harvard Business Review.
  • Mgbeke, A., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M., (2023, May, 11). Cyber Risk Management Support Tools, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, 2023, Boston.
  • Zeijlemaker, S., Ishikawa, M., & Siegel, M., (2023, May, 11). Cyber risk governance as differentiator in resilience, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, 2023, Boston.
  • Zeijlemaker, S., Pal, R., & Siegel, M., (2023, May, 11). Perusing Watermelon Risks to Strengthen Cyber Resilience, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, 2023, Boston.
  • Pal, R., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M., (2023, May, 11). Boosting Resilience Within IT/OT Network Architecture, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, 2023, Boston.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2023, March). Navigating the cyber risk landscape: The indispensable role of Finance. ISA Group seminar.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023, February). Strengthening board governance of cyber risk management, MIT CAMS, Boston.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023). Capturing the Dynamic Nature of Cyber Risk: Evidence from an Explorative Case Study, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) – 56, 2023 January 3rd – January 6th, Hawaii.


  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, November, 21). Cyber risk management: How to stay ahead of the curve, Haagse Security Delta, Den Haag.

  • Pal, R., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M., (2022, November, 4). APT-Induced IT/OT Cyber Risk Quantification, MIT CAMS, Boston.

  • Zeijlemaker, S; Siegel, M. & Isikawa, M. (2022, November, 4). Cyber risk management strategy: Which road to take?, MIT CAMS, Boston.

  • Zeijlemaker, S., Siegel, M., & Isikawa, M. (2022, November, 4). Longitudonal breach research,  MIT CAMS cybersecurity innovation sympostion, Boston.

  • Zeijlemaker, S., Siegel, M., & Mgbeke, A. (2022, November, 4). A Next Generation of Cyber Risk Management Dashboards, MIT CAMS cybersecurity innovation sympostion, Boston.

  • Zeijlemaker, S.; Siegel, M., &  Dobrygowski, D. (2022, November, 15). As cyber attacks increase, here's how CEOs can improve cyber resilience. World Economic Forum, Cyber Security Working Group.

  • Zeijlemaker, S., Siegel, M., Khan, S., Goldsmith, S. (2022, August, 4). How to align cyber risk management with business needs. World Economic Forum, Cyber Security Working Group.

  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022). Managing the Dynamic Nature of Cyber Security: A future-proof strategy, this is how it works. Disem Institute, Alkmaar, 2022.

  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022). Grip op digitale veiligheid: Een toekomstbestendige strategie, zo doe je dat.  Disem Institute, Alkmaar, 2022.

  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Von Kutzschenbach, M. (2022). Threat actors’ perspective on organizations: Why shouldn’t we do the same to manage cyber risk in the supply chain? 40th International System Dynamics Conference in Frankfurt and virtually July 18-22, 2022.

  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022). Unraveling the dynamic complexity of cyber security: Market pressure or decision failure? 40th International System Dynamics Conference in Frankfurt and virtually July 18-22, 2022.

  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022). Disem’s Cybernate: experience the dynamic nature of cyber on business strategy. 40th International System Dynamics Conference in Frankfurt and virtually July 18-22, 2022.

  • Zeijlemaker – In ‘t Veld, I., Van Keeken, M.,  Budianto, A.T.P., Zeijlemaker, S., Raaijmaakers, J & Forliani. C. (2022). The impact of shifting priorities during COVID-19 with aging population: exploring the importance of the PACU. 40th International System Dynamics Conference in Frankfurt and virtually July 18-22, 2022.

  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2022, June, 2). Dynamic cyber risk management, MIT CAMS cybersecurity innovation sympostion, Boston.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, May, 11). Dynamic Cyber Risk Management, Life Sciences Cybersecurity Executive Roundtable, MIT CAMS, Boston.
  • Zeijlemaker, S., Rouwette, E., Cunico, G., Armenia, S. & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2022). Decision-Makers’ Understanding of Cyber-Security’s Systemic and Dynamic Complexity: Insights from a Board Game for Bank Managers. MDPI systems, 10 , 1-25.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, March 16). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber-security: Towards identifying core systemic structures driving cyber-security investment decision-making. Radboud University (342 pag.) (S.l.: s.n.) Supervisor(s): prof. dr. E.A.J.A. Rouwette & prof. dr. M. von Kutzschenbach. (Doctoral Thesis).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, March 10). Exploring dynamics in Cyber Security. Delft, Advanced System Dynamics guest lecture.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, January 13). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security decision making. Ecuador, Doctoral Course, guest Lecture.


  • Siegel, M., Zeijlemaker, S., Khan, S., Goldsmith, S. (2021, December, 17). A Dynamic Approach for Managing Cyber Risk: Simulation Modeling and Analysis, ISA/World Economic Forum Cyber Experts Meeting.

  •  Siegel, M., Zeijlemaker, S., Khan, S., Goldsmith, S. (2021, November, 4). A Dynamic Approach for Managing Cyber Risk:

    Simulation Modeling and Analysis, MIT CAMS, Boston. 

  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2021, December 1).  Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making; theory and applications. Nijmegen, MfSEII lecture, guest lecture, Radboud.

  • Klaver, M., Lagenkamp, P., and Zeijlemaker, S. (2021, October, 26). “Quantification of cybersecurity risk management”, NCSC symposium let’s do research together. October 26 – 27 The Hague, Netherlands.  

  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2021). The application of Farmers, Bandits and Soldier Model in the age of Digital Transformation. The 39th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Chicago (2021, July 26 - 2021, July 30).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2021). The lifecycle of zero-day vulnerabilities; knowledge driven escalation between attacker and defender. The 39th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Chicago (2021, July 26 - 2021, July 30).

  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Von Kutzschenbach, M. (2021). Supply and Service Chain Dynamics in a Digital Age: Going beyond the traditional usage of honeypot data. 39th International System Dynamics Conference: Chigaco (2021, July 26 - 2021, July 30).

  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2021). Supply Chain Dynamics in a digital age: going beyond the traditional usage of honeypot data. Conference BeNeLux chapter of the System Dynamics Society 2021: Delft (2021, March 10 - 2021, March 10).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2019-2021). president of the special interest group "conflict, defense and security". system dynamic society.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2021, March 11). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making; theory and applications. Delft, Advanced System Dynamics guest lecture. 


  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Von Kutzschenbach, M. (2020). Cybersecurity Dynamics in Software Development Environment: What system traps do exist? In Proceeding of the 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2020). Insider Threat Dynamics; the dangerous triangle of pressure, rationalization and opportunity. In Proceeding of the 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2020, November 25).  Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making; theory and applications. Nijmegen, MfSEII lecture, guest lecture, Radboud.
  • Zeijlemaker, S., Roest, F. van der & Zwaan, A. (2020, January 29).  Cyber security decision making: Unravelling its dynamic complex nature. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, project week at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2020, November 4).  Business dynamic modelling, Investment evaluation in the cyber security domain. A lecture on dynamic, pro-active and forward-looking risk management. Amsterdam, risk management knowledge sharing session.
  • Mickaitė, E. & Zeijlemaker, S. (2020). DLP Dynamics; an exploration of the system. Colloquium of the 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Bergen, Norway (2020, July 19 - 2020, July 24).


  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2019). security supply chain dynamics. Rump Session of the Workshop of the Economics of Information Security: Boston, USA (2019, June 3 - 2019, June 4).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Jasarevic, E. (2019). Supply Chain Dynamics: security dynamics introduce game theory aspects in the structure. Colloquium of the 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Albuquerque, New Mexico (2019, July 21 - 2019, July 25).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2019). Workshop “Red versus Blue cyber game”. 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (2019, July 21 - 2019, July 25).


  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2018, January 16).  Dynamic complexity of cyber security. Amsterdam, Leadership council.
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2018). DDOS dynamics. Rump Session of the Workshop of the Economics of Information Security: Innsbruck, Austria (2018, June 18 - 2018, June 19).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Montellano Zuna, A. (2018). First notions of reinforcing feedback loops on the detection trap: staff shortage and attacker behaviour growth in detection dynamics. Colloquium of the 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Reykjavik, Iceland (2018, August 6 - 2018, August 10).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2018). Workshop “Red versus Blue cyber game”. 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Reykjavik, Iceland (2018, August 6).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Roest, F. van der (2018). Workshop “Red versus Blue cyber game”. White Lion presentation: Fort Vijfhuizen (2018, March 8 - 2018, March 8).


  • Zeijlemaker, S. & Matheus, J. (2017). Preliminary research thoughts: Cyber Security Dynamics in Secure Software Development Environment: does the acceptation trap exist?, Colloquium of the 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Boston, USA (2017, July 16 - 2017, July 20).


  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2016). Exploring the dynamic complexity of the cyber security economic equilibrium. Colloquium of the 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Delft, The Netherlands (2016, July 17 - 2016, July 21).
  • Zeijlemaker, S. (2016). Exploring the dynamic complexity of the cyber security economic equilibrium. Rump session of the Workshop of the Economics of Information Security: Berkeley, USA (2016, June 13 - 2016, June 14).