Cyber Risk Governance & Cyber Risk Management: Conferences, publications and presentations
- Siegel, M., Zeijlemaker, S., & Pal, R. (October 23rd, 2024). Important Perspectives on Risk Management, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Event, 2024, Boston.
- Pal, R., Sequeira, R.X., Zeijlemaker, S. (2024). How Hard is it to Estimate Systemic Enterprise Cyber Risk? Proceedings of the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference, 15-18 December, Orlando, USA.
- Pal, R., Sequeira, R.X., Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2024). Optimizing Cyber-Resilience in Critical Infrastructure Networks, Proceedings of the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference, 15-18 December, Orlando, USA.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2024). Managing the Ransomware Threat through an Interactive Gaming Environment, at the Cyber Security Management Symposium at University of Twente.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2024). Strengthening Cyber Risk Management and Oversight through Digital Twin Technology and Simulation Gaming, Security Insights
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Feldmann, E., (2024). Cybersecurity-simulaties helpen bij bestuurlijke bewustwording, ICT & Health Magazine, October 25
- Segar, P., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M., (2024). Decision-making in Ransomware Capability Development: Persona-Driven Simulation, 2024 International System Dynamics Conference, Bergen & Online, August 4 – 8, 2024.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Pal, R., & Siegel, M. (2024). Strengthening Managerial Foresight to Defeat Cyber Threats, AMCIS 2024, August 15-17, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Zeijlemaker, S., & Schaffner, L.G. (12 Julliet, 2024). NIS2 au comité exécutif : quelles actions essentielles pour mieux gérer le risque fournisseur?, Alliancy le mag numerique et business.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2024). Preserving the integrity of your supply chains in the age of NIS 2 (Panel), Forum in Cyber, Lille 26-28 March, France.
- Haq, M.Y.M., Abhista, A., Zeijlemaker, S., Chau, A., Siegel, M., & Nieuwenhuis, L.J.M. (2024). Measuring Malware Detection Capability for Security Decision Making, 9th International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC 2024), Vienna, July 8th, 2024.Zeijlemaker, S. (2024)Zeijlemaker, S. (2024)
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2024). Next-Generation Secure by Design (Panel Moderator), MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, May 2024, Boston.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Michael, S., Ishikawa, M., Abhishta, A., Haq, Y., & Chau, A. (2024). Combat Future AI-Powered Cyber Threats Using Digital Twin Simulations, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, May 2024, Boston.
- Goeun, K., Zeijlemaker, s., Proudfoot, J., Ranjan, P., & Siegel, M., (2024). Optimizing cyber investments by solving the risk-reward paradox, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, May 2024, Boston.
- Pal, R., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M. (2024) A New FAIR Method to Boost IT/OT Infrastructure Resilience, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, May 2024, Boston.
- Costa, R., Martis, C., & Zeijlemaker, S. (2024). Security and AI: One Step Ahead. Building the Future, 21 - 22 February, Lisbon, Portugal
- Delvecchio, T.; Zeijlemaker, S.; De Bernardis, G. and Siegel, M. (2024). Human-centered interface design for a cyber-risk group-based training game, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, May 2024, Boston.
- Delvecchio, T.; Zeijlemaker, S.; De Bernardis, G. and Siegel, M. (2024). Revolutionizing Board Cyber-Risk Management Using Collaborative Gaming. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ISBN 978-989-758-683-5, ISSN 2184-4356, pages 112-119.
- Delvecchio, T., Zeijlemaker, S., De Bernardis, G., and Siegel, M. (2024). Human-Centered Interface Design for a Dynamic Cyber-Risk Group-Based Training Game. MIT Sloan Research Paper Forthcoming, Available at SSRN.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Pal, R., Siegel, M., Ishikawa, M., & Kim. G., (2023). Establishing critical strategic control gaps in cyber risk management through simulation gaming, MISQE Information Security Workshop, 2023 International Conference on Information Systems, 10 dec 2023 – 13 dec 2023, Hyderabad, India.
- Positioning paper (2023, November 17). Facilitating Global Interoperability of Cyber Regulations in the Electricity Sector, World Economic Forum.
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023, November, 9). Combatting Ransomware with an Interactive Gaming Environment, MIT CAMS Discuss Research with our Researchers Event, 2023, Boston.
- White Paper (2023, October, 23). Response to the White House's Request on Harmonizing Cybersecurity Regulations, World Economic Forum.
- Pal, R., Sequeira, R., Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023). A Network Theory to Quantify and Bound Cyber-Risk in IT/OT Systems. Accepted to Appear in Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference [an INFORMS event], 2023 (IEEE Press), Texas, USA.
- Pal, R., Sequeira, R.H., Yin, X., Zeijlemaker, S., & Kotala, V. (2023). How Should Enterprises Quantify and Analyze (Multi-Party) APT Cyber-Risk Exposure in their Industrial IoT Network? ACM Trans. Manage. Inf. Syst. Just Accepted (October 2023).
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M., (2023, October, 11). Creating a Better Cyber Risk Future by Managing Gaps in Strategic Control, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Event, 2023, Boston.
- Sagar, P., Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M., (2023, October, 11). Decision Making in Ransomware Capability Development: Persona-Driven Simulation Approach, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Event, 2023, Boston.
- Kim, G., Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M., (2023, October, 11). Combatting The Risk Reward Paradox to Manage Cyber Risk, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Event, 2023, Boston.
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023). Six governance principles for cyber resilience: What the Board Needs to Know about Cyber Risk, One Conference 2023, 2023, October 3 - 4, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Zeijlemaker, I., & Zeijlemaker, D. (2023).Navigating through the global cybersecurity landscape:
Exploring our ability to mitigate future cyber threats, 41th International System Dynamics Conference in Chicago and virtually, July 13-27, 2023. - Zeijlemaker, S. (2023). Security Operation Centre assessment: How to stay ahead of the curve – An exploratory anonymized case study, 41th International System Dynamics Conference in Chicago and virtually, July 13-27, 2023.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Hetner, C., & Siegel, M., (2023, June, 2). 4 Areas of Cyber Risk That Boards Need to Address, Harvard Business Review.
- Mgbeke, A., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M., (2023, May, 11). Cyber Risk Management Support Tools, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, 2023, Boston.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Ishikawa, M., & Siegel, M., (2023, May, 11). Cyber risk governance as differentiator in resilience, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, 2023, Boston.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Pal, R., & Siegel, M., (2023, May, 11). Perusing Watermelon Risks to Strengthen Cyber Resilience, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, 2023, Boston.
- Pal, R., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M., (2023, May, 11). Boosting Resilience Within IT/OT Network Architecture, MIT CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium, 2023, Boston.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2023, March). Navigating the cyber risk landscape: The indispensable role of Finance. ISA Group seminar.
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023, February). Strengthening board governance of cyber risk management, MIT CAMS, Boston.
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2023). Capturing the Dynamic Nature of Cyber Risk: Evidence from an Explorative Case Study, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) – 56, 2023 January 3rd – January 6th, Hawaii.
Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, November, 21). Cyber risk management: How to stay ahead of the curve, Haagse Security Delta, Den Haag.
Pal, R., Zeijlemaker, S., & Siegel, M., (2022, November, 4). APT-Induced IT/OT Cyber Risk Quantification, MIT CAMS, Boston.
Zeijlemaker, S; Siegel, M. & Isikawa, M. (2022, November, 4). Cyber risk management strategy: Which road to take?, MIT CAMS, Boston.
Zeijlemaker, S., Siegel, M., & Isikawa, M. (2022, November, 4). Longitudonal breach research, MIT CAMS cybersecurity innovation sympostion, Boston.
Zeijlemaker, S., Siegel, M., & Mgbeke, A. (2022, November, 4). A Next Generation of Cyber Risk Management Dashboards, MIT CAMS cybersecurity innovation sympostion, Boston.
Zeijlemaker, S.; Siegel, M., & Dobrygowski, D. (2022, November, 15). As cyber attacks increase, here's how CEOs can improve cyber resilience. World Economic Forum, Cyber Security Working Group.
Zeijlemaker, S., Siegel, M., Khan, S., Goldsmith, S. (2022, August, 4). How to align cyber risk management with business needs. World Economic Forum, Cyber Security Working Group.
Zeijlemaker, S. (2022). Managing the Dynamic Nature of Cyber Security: A future-proof strategy, this is how it works. Disem Institute, Alkmaar, 2022.
Zeijlemaker, S. (2022). Grip op digitale veiligheid: Een toekomstbestendige strategie, zo doe je dat. Disem Institute, Alkmaar, 2022.
Zeijlemaker, S. & Von Kutzschenbach, M. (2022). Threat actors’ perspective on organizations: Why shouldn’t we do the same to manage cyber risk in the supply chain? 40th International System Dynamics Conference in Frankfurt and virtually July 18-22, 2022.
Zeijlemaker, S. (2022). Unraveling the dynamic complexity of cyber security: Market pressure or decision failure? 40th International System Dynamics Conference in Frankfurt and virtually July 18-22, 2022.
Zeijlemaker, S. (2022). Disem’s Cybernate: experience the dynamic nature of cyber on business strategy. 40th International System Dynamics Conference in Frankfurt and virtually July 18-22, 2022.
Zeijlemaker – In ‘t Veld, I., Van Keeken, M., Budianto, A.T.P., Zeijlemaker, S., Raaijmaakers, J & Forliani. C. (2022). The impact of shifting priorities during COVID-19 with aging population: exploring the importance of the PACU. 40th International System Dynamics Conference in Frankfurt and virtually July 18-22, 2022.
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Siegel, M. (2022, June, 2). Dynamic cyber risk management, MIT CAMS cybersecurity innovation sympostion, Boston.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, May, 11). Dynamic Cyber Risk Management, Life Sciences Cybersecurity Executive Roundtable, MIT CAMS, Boston.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Rouwette, E., Cunico, G., Armenia, S. & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2022). Decision-Makers’ Understanding of Cyber-Security’s Systemic and Dynamic Complexity: Insights from a Board Game for Bank Managers. MDPI systems, 10 , 1-25.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, March 16). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber-security: Towards identifying core systemic structures driving cyber-security investment decision-making. Radboud University (342 pag.) (S.l.: s.n.) Supervisor(s): prof. dr. E.A.J.A. Rouwette & prof. dr. M. von Kutzschenbach. (Doctoral Thesis).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, March 10). Exploring dynamics in Cyber Security. Delft, Advanced System Dynamics guest lecture.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2022, January 13). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security decision making. Ecuador, Doctoral Course, guest Lecture.
Siegel, M., Zeijlemaker, S., Khan, S., Goldsmith, S. (2021, December, 17). A Dynamic Approach for Managing Cyber Risk: Simulation Modeling and Analysis, ISA/World Economic Forum Cyber Experts Meeting.
- Siegel, M., Zeijlemaker, S., Khan, S., Goldsmith, S. (2021, November, 4). A Dynamic Approach for Managing Cyber Risk:
Simulation Modeling and Analysis, MIT CAMS, Boston.
Zeijlemaker, S. (2021, December 1). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making; theory and applications. Nijmegen, MfSEII lecture, guest lecture, Radboud.
Klaver, M., Lagenkamp, P., and Zeijlemaker, S. (2021, October, 26). “Quantification of cybersecurity risk management”, NCSC symposium let’s do research together. October 26 – 27 The Hague, Netherlands.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2021). The application of Farmers, Bandits and Soldier Model in the age of Digital Transformation. The 39th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Chicago (2021, July 26 - 2021, July 30).
Zeijlemaker, S. (2021). The lifecycle of zero-day vulnerabilities; knowledge driven escalation between attacker and defender. The 39th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Chicago (2021, July 26 - 2021, July 30).
Zeijlemaker, S. & Von Kutzschenbach, M. (2021). Supply and Service Chain Dynamics in a Digital Age: Going beyond the traditional usage of honeypot data. 39th International System Dynamics Conference: Chigaco (2021, July 26 - 2021, July 30).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2021). Supply Chain Dynamics in a digital age: going beyond the traditional usage of honeypot data. Conference BeNeLux chapter of the System Dynamics Society 2021: Delft (2021, March 10 - 2021, March 10).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2019-2021). president of the special interest group "conflict, defense and security". system dynamic society.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2021, March 11). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making; theory and applications. Delft, Advanced System Dynamics guest lecture.
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Von Kutzschenbach, M. (2020). Cybersecurity Dynamics in Software Development Environment: What system traps do exist? In Proceeding of the 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2020). Insider Threat Dynamics; the dangerous triangle of pressure, rationalization and opportunity. In Proceeding of the 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2020, November 25). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making; theory and applications. Nijmegen, MfSEII lecture, guest lecture, Radboud.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Roest, F. van der & Zwaan, A. (2020, January 29). Cyber security decision making: Unravelling its dynamic complex nature. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, project week at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2020, November 4). Business dynamic modelling, Investment evaluation in the cyber security domain. A lecture on dynamic, pro-active and forward-looking risk management. Amsterdam, risk management knowledge sharing session.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2020). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making: Addressing dynamic limitations in the realm of security economics. Research Day 2020 IMR Academy & Doctoral School: Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2020, January 7 - 2020, January 7).
- Mickaitė, E. & Zeijlemaker, S. (2020). DLP Dynamics; an exploration of the system. Colloquium of the 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Bergen, Norway (2020, July 19 - 2020, July 24).
- Zeijlemaker, S., Bening, R. & Rouwette, E.A.J.A. (2019). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making. In One Conference 2019. The Hague, The Netherlands
- Zeijlemaker, S., Rouwette, E.A.J.A. & Cunico, G. (2019). Results from the cyber-security game: decision makers may have difficulties in appreciating dynamic complex systems. In Proceedings on the 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Montellano Zuna, A. (2019). Detection dynamics: the balancing act in the realm of cyber security under conditions of staff shortage and attacker behaviour growth. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 21 – July 25, 2019
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Jasarevic, E. (2019). Supply Chain Dynamics: security dynamics introduce game theory aspects in the structure. Colloquium of the 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Albuquerque, New Mexico (2019, July 21 - 2019, July 25).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2019). Insider Threat Dynamics: The inclusion of the fraud triangle. Conference BeNeLux chapter of the System Dynamics Society 2019: Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2019, December 11 - 2019, December 11).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2019). security supply chain dynamics. Rump Session of the Workshop of the Economics of Information Security: Boston, USA (2019, June 3 - 2019, June 4).
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Jasarevic, E. (2019). Supply Chain Dynamics: security dynamics introduce game theory aspects in the structure. Colloquium of the 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Albuquerque, New Mexico (2019, July 21 - 2019, July 25).
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Bening, R. (2019). Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber security investment decision making – Innovation Floor One participation demo. One Conference 2019: The Hague, The Netherlands (2019, October 1 - 2019, October 3).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2019). Workshop “Red versus Blue cyber game”. 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (2019, July 21 - 2019, July 25).
- Wolthuis, R., Phillipson, F., Rochat, P., Ingen, B. van, Zeijlemaker, S. & Gorter, D. (2019). Quantifying Cyber security Risks. (article). TNO.
- Zeijlemaker, S., Uriega, J.D. & Pasaoglu Kilanc, G. (2018). Malware dynamics: how to develop a successful anti-malware defense reference architecture policy. In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Reykjavik, Iceland
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2018, January 16). Dynamic complexity of cyber security. Amsterdam, Leadership council.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2018). DDOS dynamics. Rump Session of the Workshop of the Economics of Information Security: Innsbruck, Austria (2018, June 18 - 2018, June 19).
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Montellano Zuna, A. (2018). First notions of reinforcing feedback loops on the detection trap: staff shortage and attacker behaviour growth in detection dynamics. Colloquium of the 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Reykjavik, Iceland (2018, August 6 - 2018, August 10).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2018). Malware dynamics: How to develop a successful anti-malware defense reference architecture policy. IMR research day: Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2018, June 21 - 2018, June 21).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2018). Workshop “Red versus Blue cyber game”. 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Reykjavik, Iceland (2018, August 6).
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Roest, F. van der (2018). Workshop “Red versus Blue cyber game”. White Lion presentation: Fort Vijfhuizen (2018, March 8 - 2018, March 8).
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Rouwette, E.A.J.A. (2017). A financial evaluation of DDOS defences dynamics from an organisational perspective: how long will these defences hold? In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society and 60th Anniversary of System Dynamics Celebration
- Zeijlemaker, S. & Matheus, J. (2017). Preliminary research thoughts: Cyber Security Dynamics in Secure Software Development Environment: does the acceptation trap exist?, Colloquium of the 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Boston, USA (2017, July 16 - 2017, July 20).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2017). DDOS defence dynamics; how long will they hold? an organisational perspective. IMR research day: Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2017, June 15 - 2017, June 15).
- Kerkdijk, R., Lagarde, R., Koens, T., Zeijlemaker, S., Samwel, P., Te Paske, B. & Wolthuis, R. (2017). Library of Cyber Resilience Metrics. (article). TNO.
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2016). Exploring the dynamic complexity of the cyber security economic equilibrium. Colloquium of the 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society: Delft, The Netherlands (2016, July 17 - 2016, July 21).
- Zeijlemaker, S. (2016). Exploring the dynamic complexity of the cyber security economic equilibrium. Rump session of the Workshop of the Economics of Information Security: Berkeley, USA (2016, June 13 - 2016, June 14).